Community provided tools
Please note that the End-User License Agreement (EULA) for Entropia Universe stipulates a general ban on the provision of any peripheral goods and services directly connected to Entropia Universe. Exceptions like those referred to in this web site are permitted only after careful evaluation by MindArk and the concerned Planet Partner. If you still have further questions regarding a specific tool, service or web site you may contact us at
Disclaimer: Neither MindArk or Planet Calypso guarantee or leave any warranties to the services provided by these sites. There is no affiliation or sponsorship what so ever between MindArk or Planet Calypso and the providers of these sites or services. MindArk or Planet Calypso will not be liable for any damage or loss caused to the users of these sites.

Automated service providing you with hunting and mining globals data gathered automatically and live from inside Planet Calypso.

A mining tracking tool with OCR capability that performs image recognition of the mining claim deed, records depth, size, type and position.