Halloween Mayhem 2017!
Friday, October 27 – Monday, November 6
Halloween Mayhem 2017 features new Lootable Halloween Strongboxes and a repeatable Halloween Hunting Mission with awesome skill rewards.
The all-new lootable Halloween Strongboxes may contain the Halloween Ring 2017, the Unique Sacrificial Dagger, amps suitable for melee or ranged weapons, powerful enhancer pills, theme clothing and more.
Prizes for this Mayhem Event include the Halloween Ring 2017 and the Unique Reaper’s Blade . In addition to the event prizes there are also Bonus Threshold Prizes for collecting event points
The Hunting Mission, lootable Strongboxes and alluring competition prizes make this Halloween Mayhem a must for every monster-hunting avatar on Calypso!
Halloween Instance Gameplay
When entering the Halloween instance you will find yourself outside a haunted graveyard filled with mutated Zombie creatures. Hunt your way through the hordes of zombies and beware the Big Pumpkin!
In the loot from the creatures you may find various Halloween Pumpkins. Each pumpkin will add a number of points to your Halloween Mission. In the end the one with the most points will be rewarded the most valuable prize.
In a haunted house deep in the woods resides the mighty Kal-Rahm The Cannibal...
See the rules section for all competition details and make sure to sign up for the skill rewards bonus mission when you enter any of the Halloween instances.
Lootable Halloween Strongboxes
This year Halloween Strongboxes will be available as loot from Halloween Mayhem creatures.
The Strongboxes will reveal their contents when you open them using a Classified Strongbox Key.
Contents range from the Halloween Ring 2017, the Unique Sacrificial Dagger, Amps suitable for melee or ranged weapons, powerful enhancer pills to theme facemasks, clothing and more.
Classified Strongbox Keys needed to open Strongboxes are available in the Entropia Universe Webshop
See all Halloween Strongbox 2017 items on the Strongbox page on www.entropiauniverse.com
Note that Halloween Strongboxes may also be looted from Halloween creatures outside the Halloween instance on Calypso, as well as from creatures on other planets.
Strongboxes can be opened inside Entropia Universe or on https://account.entropiauniverse.com/account/strongbox/
Event Entrances
The Halloween Mayhem instance gates can be found at
- Nymphtown
- Fort Ithaca
- Minopolis
- Fort Zeus
(all noted on the map). The entrance gates will become active once the event begins on Friday, October 27, 15:00 UTC and close at Monday, November 6, 15:00 UTC.
There are five event instance levels available, ranging from 1 to 5. Enter the instance appropriate for your skills and gear by interacting with the corresponding gate.
The levels for the event instance creaures are listed below.
Instance levels
Level 1
- Zombie Mutant Outcast (LVL 5)
- Zombie Mutant Bandit (LVL 9)
- Zombie Dog Young (LVL 2)
- Zombie Dog Mature (LVL 5)
- The Big Pumpkin (LVL 15)
- Kal-Rahm The Cannibal (LVL 25)
Level 2
- Zombie Mutant Guard (LVL 13)
- Zombie Mutant Raider (LVL 16)
- Zombie Dog Old (LVL 8)
- Zombie Dog Provider (LVL 9)
- The Big Pumpkin (LVL 22)
- Kal-Rahm The Cannibal (LVL 35)
Level 3
- Zombie Mutant Warrior (LVL 20)
- Zombie Mutant Berserker (LVL 25)
- Zombie Dog Guardian (LVL 12)
- Zombie Dog Dominant (LVL 15)
- The Big Pumpkin (LVL 33)
- Kal-Rahm The Cannibal (LVL 51)
Level 4
- Zombie Mutant Hunter (LVL 32)
- Zombie Mutant Warlord (LVL 39)
- Zombie Dog Alpha (LVL 19)
- Zombie Dog Old Alpha (LVL 24)
- The Big Pumpkin (LVL 47)
- Kal-Rahm The Cannibal (LVL 73)
Level 5
- Zombie Mutant Champion (LVL 50)
- Zombie Mutant Clan Warlord (LVL 57)
- Zombie Dog Prowler (LVL 30)
- Zombie Dog Stalker (LVL 33)
- The Big Pumpkin (LVL 67)
- Kal-Rahm The Cannibal (LVL 106)

Point System
Points in the event are scored by looting one of the following items:
- Rotten Halloween Pumpkin (1 point)
- Sickly Halloween Pumpkin (5 points)
- Damaged Halloween Pumpkin (10 points)
- Healthy Halloween Pumpkin (20 points)
- Mature Halloween Pumpkin (50 points)
- Fully Developed Halloween Pumpkin (100 points)
- Twin Halloween Pumpkin (500 points)
- Mutated Halloween Pumpkin (1000 points)
- Great Halloween Pumpkin (5000 points)
Your event score will be updated automatically each time one of the pumpkins is looted.
Event Prizes
The following prizes will be awarded to the participants scoring the highest number of points:
- 1st Place - Halloween Ring 2017 + Unique Reaper’s Blade
- 2nd Place - Halloween Ring 2017 + 5000 PED Universal Ammo
- 3rd Place - Halloween Ring 2017 + 2500 PED Universal Ammo
- 4th Place - Halloween Ring 2017
- 5th Place - 10000 PED Universal Ammo
- 6th Place - 7500 PED Universal Ammo
- 7th Place - 5000 PED Universal Ammo
- 8th Place - 2500 PED Universal Ammo
- 9th Place - 2000 PED Universal Ammo
- 10th Place - 1500 PED Universal Ammo
- 11th Place - 1250 PED Universal Ammo
- 12th Place - 1000 PED Universal Ammo
- 13th Place - 750 PED Universal Ammo
- 14th Place - 500 PED Universal Ammo
- 15th Place - 250 PED Universal Ammo

Unique Reaper’s Blade
- Two-handed Sword
- Damage: 151.6
- Speed 42 attacks/minute
- Damage/Sec: 106.1
- Efficiency: 92.5
- Profession Requirement: Level 70-80 Swordsman
Halloween Ring 2017
- Equip Slot: Right Hand
- Trauma Mitigation: 13%
- Faster Reload: 13%
- Increased Critical Hit Chance: 1%
- Acceleration: 13%
- Max Health +13
- Increased Laser Weapons Skill Gain: 13%
- Increased BLP Weapons Skill Gain: 13%
- Increased Blade Weapons Skill Gain: 13%
Bonus Prizes
In addition, all qualifying event participants reaching one of the following point thresholds will receive bonus prizes once the event is completed (only the highest value qualifying prize is awarded to each participant):
- 5000 Points - 50 PED Universal Ammo
- 10000 Points - 200 PED Universal Ammo
- 15000 Points - 500 PED Universal Ammo
- 20000 Points - 1000 PED Universal Ammo
Time Limit
Each participant is limited to a maximum of 40 hours in the Halloween event instances. This 40 hour limit applies to combined time in any of the Halloween instances, not each individual instance level.
Event participants must keep track of their time spent in the event instances, since the current instance system unfortunately does not track time spent across multiple login/instance sessions.
Please be aware that the 60 minute instance timer that appears once you enter one of the Halloween Mayhem instances is not an official time tracking feature for this event.
This event is intended for solo hunters. Any attempt at abusing team mechanics or any other Entropia Universe systems or features in order to gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be grounds for disqualification from the event, forfeiture of any prizes, and possible sanctions imposed on one’s Entropia Universe account.
Do not abandon the mission! If you abandon the mission for any reason, either intentionally or accidentally, all points earned up to that point will be lost forever. Support cannot and will not restore points for abandoned missions, regardless of the situation.
Happy hunting and Happy Halloween!
The Planet Calypso Dev Team