EBN: Robot Incursions Across Eudoria

Following a period of lower robot activity near the colonial frontier, the Calypso Defense Force (CDF) has now issued an alert to all Calypso inhabitants, warning about an incoming assault on our settlements.

While robotic aggression around this time of year is nothing new, there seems to be some differences in how the machines are deploying their troops; possibly as a result of increased space activity around the planet disrupting their logistics, or simply an attempt at more specialized intrusions.

Either way, the CDF believes we will see more widespread attacks than before, but with fewer different types of robots at each location.

The areas currently experiencing robot assaults:

  • Ashi - Big Bulk 
  • Atlas Haven - Second Entity
  • Camp Icarus - Prototype Robots (Drone, Droka, Defender)
  • Chugs Hideout - Warrior
  • Hadesheim - Warlock
  • Fort Ithaca - Drone, Drone Coordinator & Droka
  • Fort Medusa - Big Bulk
  • Fort Pandora - Legionnaire & Trooper
  • Fort Troy - Steelbird
  • Fort Zeus - Eviscerator
  • Jason Centre - Attacker & Jamraider
  • Minopolis - Defender
  • Nymphtown - Spider Bomber


CDF Scouts have also reported signings of smaller groups of robots wandering beyond the zones outlined above, so be on the lookout for warnings of unexpected attacks happening in other locations. Colonist assistance may be needed to fight off these raids.


Let us show these robots that Calypso belongs to its people; we shall not let them win!